Sunday 27 November 2022

The Tiny Hands of Meryl Streep

The tiny hands of Meryl Streep:
toward your silent form they creep
intent on fucking up your sleep,
and when you wake? 'Get in the jeep!'
is what you'll hear from Meryl Streep.

The tiny hands of Meryl Streep
are on the wheel of Meryl's jeep,
painted with the flag of Mozambique,
but why? You'd ask, except you cannot speak:
the tiny hands of Meryl Streep

have gagged you so you cannot shriek.
Why is she here? What does she seek?
At best, they still remain oblique,
the motives of Ms Meryl Streep

in dropping by your place this week
to show off her attack technique
and surprisingly puissant physique.
Eventually Meryl Streep

tells you the hole you've dug is deep
enough. 'Now as ye sowed, so shall ye reap,'
the sonorous tones of Meryl Streep 

inform you that it's time to sleep.
'Is it possible - ' you meekly squeak,
but the tiny hands of Meryl Streep 

have closed around her father's antique 
Derringer: so ends your streak,
at the tiny hands of Meryl Streep.

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