Saturday, 15 March 2025

Patio Salo


I asked myself the question: what does someone like Wes Streeting do for fun? And then a vision descended on me, as it had before when I learned the horrifying truth about Keir Starmer, and reader: I knew.

Patio Salò

It’s Couples’ Night, when Wes and Joe
dine on their heated patio
and after, in reclined repose,
role-play the parts of Fred and Rose.

Joe, in wing collar, big lapels,
makes Wesley’s heart and part both swell
- there’s risk he’ll prematurely mess
his replica of Rose’s dress

but Wes resists, he holds his nerve
while Joe reads extracts from Fred’s oeuvre.
Their lechers’ lectionary kicks off
with poor dismembered Lynda Gough

who was, when excavated, found
with her whole jaw securely bound
and bound around again with tape
like she was one of Wesley’s mates

who, pictured in the paper, claim
the woke have silenced them again.
It makes Wes laugh to see such stuff.
‘Fred knew how to shut bitches up!’

He chortles, and his Joe agrees,
dandling Wesley on his knee:
‘Use tape to keep her piehole closed:
She’ll breathe through the tubes in her nose

while we enjoy her where she’s hung. 
We know how to have our fun 
with kneecaps, spine and finger bones,’
he coos as Wesley wetly moans.

It seems, once more, they haven’t got
as far as Juanita Mott,
but there’ll be other couples’ nights:
it’s time to shower, wrap up tight

and take their foreplay to the street
where, slyly, they contrive to meet
some shivering urchin, ill at ease,
estranged, unhoused by policies

put through by some of Wesley’s chums
to save the cash we spend on guns. 
Joe always makes the first approach:
Wes must appear beyond reproach

and, even in his Rose disguise,
is likely to be recognised.
Besides, Joe has the common touch:
knows how to come on just enough

to keep the mark from catching on
to just what kind of action
both he and Wesley have in mind.
And, with their urchin thus beguiled,

they head back to their pied-à-terre.
And, as for what might happen there,
we cannot say: we must, of course,
be mindful of the libel laws.
But oh, what horrors we might know
if we dug up Wesley’s patio!

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