Tuesday 27 September 2022

Legitimate Concerns is a book by Wendy Cope

 I came across the following image online the other day, and it struck a chord: 

It struck a chord because as a trans person I am very familiar with the caring, 'concerned' attitude the cis people in this person's life displayed by outing them to their parents as an act of 'safeguarding' which tragically, completely unexpectedly, led to them becoming homeless. 

You see, a lot of times cis people harm trans people out of 'concern' for our wellbeing. When Chelsea Manning was a political prisoner of the United States government, her torturers made her conditions as unpleasant as possible on the grounds of 'concern' that she was at risk of self-harming. Many trans people, myself included, are PREVENTED from accessing surgeries by the very clinic system which is supposed to help us get them, again on grounds of 'concern' for how long it may take us to recover from them. 

We see through your 'concern' for us. 

Until trans people are given the same right to make mistakes and be indulged as cis people, don't complain when we point out we are treated as second-class citizens. 

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