Why does this headline end with 'teachers told'?
Because it's the only way this paper can print this headline without telling an outright lie. Notice also the use of the weasel phrase 'well-being'. Not health, not safety. 'Well-being'. A nebulous term, used precisely for its ambiguity. Another way rags like the Torygraph lie without completely lying.
See, socially transitioning - which, aside from maybe taking puberty blockers - is the only form of transition kids can go through, is NOT associated with any negative health outcomes. In fact, it's exactly the OTHER way around - preventing trans kids from socially transitioning is associated with LOTS of negative outcomes - including suicide. Hard to think of an outcome more negative than that.
So why would our government issue guidance like this? It's simple really.
They WANT to harm children. They get off on it.
What possible other conclusion can one draw? This is the same media and political class which cheerfully celebrates a man like Giles Coren, who fantasised about raping a teenage boy and wrote a really creepy column about his own daughter and how 'sexy' she made him feel. The same media and political class which fulminates over the cancellation of Jeremy Clarkson over his one-handed rantings about throwing his bodily emissions over a naked Meghan Markle. The same media and political class which knowingly enables the likes of Nick Cohen, Chris Pincher, David Warbuton, Wayne Couzens, David Carrick and the many, many other rapists still to be exposed in our press, police and Parliament.
The same political and media class which clutched its collective pearls when Ian Blackford used Parliamentary privilege to name a vicious paedophile working in one of their public school pervert factories. Because that is their greatest fear - being exposed. Being known. Unmasked for all the world to see. To them, Blackford committed the unpardonable crime: he broke the omertá. He called a nonce a nonce.
They dress it up in concern, in rhetoric which slanders LGBTQ people as 'groomers', but make no mistake: headlines like this are a softening up process for letting the government pass laws like those we've seen passed in America, reclassifying allowing your trans kids to transition - by far the BEST thing a parent who truly cares for their child can do - as abuse. And then once they've reclassified it thus, they can justify taking children away from their truly loving parents and putting them in care, and eventually fostering them out to Decent Patriotic Christian Parents - or to put it country simple, nonces.
Defy this fascist government. Defy the nonceocracy. Stand up for trans lives. PROTECT YOUR CHILDREN.
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