Wednesday, 23 October 2024

As Free As Bears Are

Poster for the Newcastle Ewan Brown Anarchist Book Fair by the Fair's 'in-house artist', which partly inspired this poem


Did you know that bears like views? It’s true:
if they see a sight they like they’ll dig
a pit where they can sit and just admire it. 
Perhaps we should start digging up the flagstones
every hundred yards or so and pile them into
places we can be as free as bears are,
free to lie as well as sit, to stretch our bodies,
let the sun diffuse into our stiffened joints,
and be the eyes our streets are said to need,
not just the mouths the pubs make money feeding.
Perhaps we could plant flowers in the now-uncovered soil
so bees can take a break from spreading pollen,
grow that grass we’re always being told to touch,
or even trees for common fruit. We could. 

As well as being inspired partly by the above image, this poem was also inspired by discussions during a workshop given by Amy Langdown for their 'Narrative Shift' project with Alphabetti Theatre. 

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