will be allowed to form the impression that there is something called ‘closure’,
and that this is something you can somehow ‘get’. You will chase this
impression and you will do stupid things. You will confide in the wrong people.
You will confide in the right people, but you will confide in them to the point
where your confidences become a wearying burden, to the point where even you
will be able to identify the micro-expressions of tiredness and tension that
ghost across their faces when you open your mouth after taking your third
drink. Gradually you will find yourselves not winding up at the same parties,
and you will wonder if they are avoiding you. They will assure you they are
not, but things are really taking off for them right now and they’re so busy and it’s a shame.
will tell them you know how that feels!
But you will think things are not taking
off for me.
will post things, in the middle of the night, that will lead people to send you
messages asking if you have people around
who can help. You will think if that
was the case, would I be saying this here,
asshole? You will think that’s
code for ‘people other than me’. You will reply oh I’m fine really, just venting. My flatmates are sleeping. They’re
here but they’re sleeping. I promise I won’t do anything stupid. You will
feel that you have, in fact, just done something stupid.
will form the impression that the way to get closure is not to surround
yourself with Negative People. You will prune your friends list. You will
be relentlessly upbeat. You will stop
being invited to parties but you are okay
with this because your body is a temple and alcohol is a poison. You will
stand in front of your bathroom mirror repeating words and you will go to work
and hit targets and smile and laugh at the jokes your line manager makes. You
will focus on attracting what you want. You will start sharing photos with
inspirational sayings on them from sites with vague titles. A friend will send
you a long email, with links, explaining that one of the photos you have linked
comes from a site which opposes vaccination for measles, and which by a
conservative estimate is responsible for a global uptick in deaths from this
disease. You will delete them. You will not surround yourself with Negative People.
Another friend will send you a message explaining that one of the inspirational
messages you have shared is actually a quotation from Mein Kampf. You will delete them. You will not surround yourself
with Negative People.
will go out to a party with the local Positive People you surround yourself
with and at this party you will have your first drink in months. Three drinks
in, the Positive Person whose album ‘Beach Pictures 2014’ you have committed to
memory will start talking to you about how jet fuel cannot melt steel beams and
you will realise that you have spent six months of your life surrounding yourself with Aggressively Delusional People. You will suddenly realise that you are utterly sick of
angels, love languages, changing profile pictures to spread awareness of
colorectal cancer, betting your mother you can get 5 million likes and teaching
your kids lessons about how quickly nudes can spread on Facebook. Five drinks
in you will tell the Positive People how sick you are of all this, and ask them
if they, honestly, aren’t sick of it as well? Don’t they know about measles?
Don’t they know about the Hitler quotes? Have they ever thought of checking? Do they never think that okay,
maybe it does take more muscles to frown than it does to smile but maybe those
are muscles you might one day need, and
if you can do Kegels every day then surely to God you can allow yourself to frown?
party will wrap up halfway through your sixth drink. In the morning you will
have fewer friends on Facebook. They do not surround themselves with Negative